OK: so my friend Jan, whom I idolize on all sorts of levels, has started an amazing blog and her wit and wonderings have inspired me to reactivate my old blog. I am going to give this a try and see what happens. And I'm doing it RIGHT NOW even though I don't have a topic.
What if I wrote every day for a week? A month? A Y-E-A-R???? As someone who can't even remember to take a daily vitamin, this may be a problem.
Seems like I should have a theme. Feel like my students must feel when I give them something and then say "write."
Time management. That's my topic. I am not a good time manager. I never have been--just not wired that way. But am trying and even bought a book about being a good tm'er--which, of course, I haven't managed my time well enough to read yet. But have skimmed it. Maybe if I had less junk in my life I'd be better? Too many distrations and all that? But I like all my crazy stuff in my study like the shelf of warthogs or the Revel Memorial display. And what about the old pictures section? This stuff matters because it's all about markers of my identity. It's not the things -- it's what they represent. I think if they were gone I'd forget who I am. No, not who I am but who I was. That seems real important.
That's it for now.