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Thursday, July 18, 2013

7/18 Reflecting on Summer Institute aka 3 Weeks of Bliss!

An Homage to my Daybooks

For my last “assigned” blog post for Summer Institute—but not my final blog post—I decided to go on a dig through my Daybooks.  Yeah, that’s right.  Daybooks.  Plural.  I have two of them, having filled one up on July 15th—with four days still to go in SI.  Before I go on my dig, I think a word of reverence for my Daybooks, as well as visual aids, is in order.  I lovelovelovelovelovelove my Daybooks.  I have used them before, but not with such purpose and diligence.  I’m hooked.  

Daybook I (filled July 15th)

A happy writer with Daybooks I and II (Yeah, that's right.
 You see John, Paul, George, & Ringo.  A girl needs some inspiration.)  

Daybooks Dig or, What I Want to be Sure to Do, Learn, Implement, 
Practice, etc., etc.

Following is a list of (a) ideas I want to remember to incorporate this fall, and (b)other totally cool things I learned during SI.  

Inquiry: Revision/Re-seeing.
Opening up how I see Revision!!! 
Revision is forgiveness (Bomer).
Use Daybooks Intentionally: personalize them.
Get Glue Sticks!
Lots of Post Its.
Writer's Timeline or Literacy Timeline. 
Murray Cards!!! (oh YEAH!!!)
Blog and keep bloggggggggggginggggggggg.
Crowd sourcing as a brainstorming/development activity.
Elbow's Writing without Teachers.
"What's the movie in your head?"
Adiche's Danger of a Single Story (TED Talk)*** rocked my world***
Digital Project: My Writing Autobiography (which is so good, may I just say???)
Practices I'll keep and practices I'll let go (bye bye.  y'all don't come back, now, y'hear?)
"Using Literature to Uncover Memories for Memoir Writing" with Jashonai.
"What is Good Writing?" with Kendra.
"Exploring the Role of Creativity and Visuals in the Writing and Revising Process" with Mary Ellen.
Digital Gallery Crawl.
All the lovely post-it note comments I received on my digital project (Thank you!!)
My 6-word Memoir: Read. Write. Love. Learn. Laugh. Always.
Find Five.
A Day in the Life (and it's not the Beatles' song, either!)
Google Plus.
Google Docs/Sharing/Circles.
Body Biography with Lil. 
Socratic Seminar with Sally and Sir Francis Bacon.
Not Your Mama's Grammar Lesson with Lacy.
"Marks" by Linda Pastan.
"Is Technology a Good Thing?" with Ashley.
"Story Writing" with Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.
"Ben's Awesome Demo," with Ben, of course.
One Sentence Stories (thanks, Ben!)
"Exploring Big Ideas: Exposing Students to More Than One Story," with Kim.
#clmooc meetups at the Wine Vault 
Mapping an essay.
Creative Reading from Ron Padgett.
"Back Channeling." 
"Drop It Like It's Hot," with Wendy.
"Journal Day: Creating Your Pot of Gold," with Tiffany.
Sacred Writing Time.
MY WRITING GROUP: Naked Writers (shout out to Tiffany, Jashonai, Meredith, and SallyG!!)
Jung is Retrograde??? #RethinkingwhatIlearned30yearsago.
New Holocaust poems I wrote or began drafting: "Twenty Minutes," "Up and Down Friedrichstrasse," "The Linden Tree," and "Red Sandals."
"Exploring Writing through the Use of Multi-Genre Papers," with Erika.
"Pictures, Persuasion, and Purpose: Thinking about Audience in Writing," with Sarah D.
"Where Good Ideas Come From," by Steve Johnson (video).
Inquiry Revision Map.
Revision + Response.
Artifacts of my Inquiry Learning.
Collaborative Inquiry Documentary with the Naked Writers! 
"Music Inspiration in Playwriting," with Meredith.
"School Writing vs. Free Writing," with Sarah S.
"Revolution for the Tested," by Kate Messner.
Writing 3 Opening Scenes for Plays!
Robin's Wonderful Demo (with Robin, of course!)
"Patty's Charcoal Drive-In," by Barbara Crooker.
Two-Voiced poems. 
"Grrrrrrrammar with Jessica," (with Jessica, of course!)
"Figured Worlds and the Self: What Comprises Your Identity as an Educator?" with Nick. 
justice by w.r. rodriguez. . . .

. . . . what have I left out????


  1. Wow! If I ever forget why SI is so awesome, I need just to pull up your blog and revel in it. This just truly warmed my heart to reflect on your list of goodies we experienced in these three short weeks. Although our heads were often spinning after class each day, we truly learned so much and the best lesson I think was learning to see teaching writing in so many innovative ways which sometimes made us feel uncomfortable and wobbly all over. I am so grateful to have shared this crazy wonderful experience with an open and beautiful soul such as yourself, Tonya! (Of course, Tonya!) Love ya!

  2. I loved reading through your dig...made me smile as I thought back over each of them! Wish I would've sat next to you earlier than lunch today!!

  3. Hey Jenny, Jenny, Jenny! Thanks for the kind words! We'll have to get together soon for coffee or something!

  4. Tonya, I don't think I have ever read this descriptive of a list! It's funny... I mean I usually think of lists as this sort of functional thing, but your list has all this voice, story and (dare I?) persuasiveness. I really enjoyed seeing your daybook dig through your eyes.
